28 Day Knee Health & Wellness Boost Program

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Price: $97.00

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Course Description

The 28 Day Knee Health & Wellness Boost Program is designed for people with concerns about their knee health.

Specifically, it is designed to help people keep their knees healthy so that they have the best chance at avoiding unnecessary knee surgery, knee injection, or having to rely on pain medications in the future.

This wellness program guides people through exercises and stretches that target key body parts that have the greatest potential to prevent knee conditions like arthritis (osteoarthritis), meniscus tears, ligament injuries, cartilage problems, and many more knee conditions.

The people that will benefit from this program the most are those with a family history of knee problems, those that suspect they are at risk for knee injuries, or people that want to be sure to keep their knees healthy as they age.

Disclaimer: This program is not intended to treat an active knee problem, only to prevent knee problems from developing. If you have a knee problem, please contact a healthcare professional for expert help.

Course Content

Welcome To The Program
Glutes - Key For Knee Health
Cardio - Knee Cartilage Cardio
Core - Foundation For Your Legs
Lower Leg & Foot - Kick Up Your Knee Health
Stretching - Mobility Matters
Program Completion